Publications OK SMART LAB

Continuous and scalable fabrication of flexible metamaterial films via roll-to-roll nanoimprint process for broadband plasmonic infrared filters
Jong G. Ok, Hong Seok Youn, Moon Kyu Kwak, Kyu-Tae Lee, Young Jae Shin, L. Jay Guo, Anton Greenwald, and Yisi Liu
Applied Physics Letters
101 (22), 223102 (Nov 2012)
Prior to 2014
We demonstrate the continuous fabrication of large-area flexible metamaterial films via roll-to-roll (R2R) nanoimprint lithography (NIL) technique that can be conducted in an ambient environment at high speed. The plasmonic metal-insulator-metal structure is successfully fabricated by R2R NIL to continuously pattern the sub-wavelength scale metal disk array on flexible substrates. The patterned metal disks having varying diameters and sub-micron spacing with few defects lead to the desired broadband IR filtering performance at the designed dual-band, which correlates well with simulation analysis. Our method realizes a simple and high-throughput fabrication of plasmonic metamaterials for scalable and flexible optoelectronic and photonic applications.