Publications OK SMART LAB

Localized micro-scale disruption of cells using laser-generated focused ultrasound
Hyoung Won Baac, John Frampton, Jong G. Ok, Shuichi Takayama, and L. Jay Guo
Journal of Biophotonics
6 (11-12), 905-910 (Dec 2013)
Prior to 2014
We utilize laser-generated focused ultrasound (LGFU) to create targeted mechanical disturbance on a few cells. The LGFU is transmitted through an optoacoustic lens that converts laser pulses into focused ultrasound. The tight focusing (<100 µm) and high peak pressure of the LGFU produces cavitational disturbances at a localized spot with micro-jetting and secondary shock-waves arising from micro-bubble collapse. We demonstrate that LGFU can be used as a non-contact, non-ionizing, high-precision tool to selectively detach a single cell from its culture substrate. Furthermore, we explore the possibility of biomolecule delivery in a small population of cells targeted by LGFU at pressure amplitudes below and above the cavitation threshold. We experimentally confirm that cavitational disruption is required for delivery of propidium iodide, a membrane-impermeable nucleic acid-binding dye, into cells.